ADA Transition Plan
The City of Poulsbo is working towards barrier-free mobility in the City
2021 Adopted ADA Transition Plan
About this Project
Plan Development
The City is creating a plan for how we identify, prioritize, and remove barriers to City facilities, programs, activities, and services, specifically for citizens with disabilities. This plan, known as the ADA Transition Plan, will be a guidance document used by the City of Poulsbo to identify and remove physical barriers in public right-of-way, as well as barriers to its facilities, programs, activities, and services, which prevent individuals with disabilities to fully participate in civic life.
The plan will be developed in phases. In the first phase, we will identify where barriers to accessibility are in our city in the public right-of-way (such as sidewalks, roadways, bicycle lanes, etc.). Future phases will address barriers to facilities, programs, activities, and services.
The first step of each phase is self-evaluation. For the public right-of-way phase, the City has sent staff as data collectors throughout the City to measure and record accessibility infrastructure within the public right-of-way. The recent inventory counted approximately 1,000 curb ramps, 2,600 driveways, 460 crosswalks, and 200,000 lineal feet of sidewalk. Approximately 70% of the curb ramps, 65% of the driveways, and 25% of crosswalks were identified as out of compliance and in need of replacement. Additionally, 1,500 instances of trip hazards, obstacles, obstructions, sidewalk cross slopes, or other issues were identified throughout the sidewalk network that create accessible barriers.
On-Line Survey
For the first phase, we also asked for your help. An on-line survey about barriers in the public right-of-way was available to citizens throughout February and March of 2021. The survey responses will be evaluated and considered in the development of this document that will guide the planning and implementation of actions to improve accessibility for all citizens equally.
Quick Links
Summary of the Survey Results
- 55 respondents
- 70% of respondents live in Poulsbo
- 25% of respondents have a disability or a family member with a disability that impacts travel
- The most common barriers to access reported are:
- Sidewalk barriers
- Pedestrian crosswalk issues
- Pedestrian signal issues
- The most common reported locations with barrier issues are:
- Downtown core
- Hostmark St. @ SR305
- Lincoln Rd. @ SR305
- The highest priority reported for desired barrier-free access was to medical facilities followed closely by government buildings or other human services buildings such as libraries, and then the downtown core.
- The issues reported as most important are:
- Downtown core being more pedestrian-friendly, especially for sidewalk slopes and width
- Crosswalk safety improvements
- Sidewalks with wheelchair access
Thank you to those who participated in the survey. Although the survey is now closed, citizens may still report right-of-way accessibility issues, as well as any other neighborhood issues or complaints, using the City’s SeeClickFix on-line reporting tool.
Examples of Barriers
Cracked or uneven sidewalks
Obstructions in the sidewalk
Inaccessible / inaudible crosswalk push-buttons
No ramps at curbs or intersections
Curb ramps at intersections without a detectable warning surface
Timeline 2021
February & March – Survey and reporting tool available on-line to report barriers and provide comments to the City
April-May – Complete survey data analysis for incorporation into the Draft Plan
July – Draft plan posted on website for citizen comments. Presentation of the Draft Plan to the Public Works Committee.
October – Adoption of the Plan by the City Council
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that public entities having responsibility for, or authority over: facilities, streets, roads, sidewalks and/or other areas meant for public use develop a Transition Plan to make their facilities meet accessibility standards. To read more about the ADA, please visit: .
Both the Self-Evaluation and the Transition Plan are required elements of the federally mandated ADA Title II, which requires that government agencies provide equal access to programs and services they offer. While the ADA applies to all aspects of government services, this Plan focuses exclusively on the public right-of-way which includes sidewalks, curb ramps, pedestrian crossings and pedestrian push buttons. The Self-Evaluation will inform the development of a transition plan to prioritize and schedule the removal of barriers identified during the self- evaluation process.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The City of Poulsbo assures full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by prohibiting discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex in provisions of benefits and services resulting from programs and activities.
For more information please visit the City of Poulsbo Title VI Program or contact the City of Poulsbo Title VI Coordinator at 360-779-3901.
Contact Us
If you want to reach out to us, have project-specific questions, or wish to make a reasonable request for accomodation, we are here for you!
Phone: (360) 394-9882