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Engineering > Planning Projects, Studies & Reports

City of Poulsbo Sewer Planning

The City of Poulsbo is beginning the General Sewer Plan as part of the City comprehensive planning process. This process will hydraulically model the existing sewer system, analyze future growth, identify system constraints, assess the utilities financial health, create a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and coordinate near and long-term sewer strategies to ensure critical infrastructure and improvements are completed and in place when and where they are needed.

As a part of this process the City has worked with RH2 to analyze Inflow and Infiltration:

The City will also be working with a Sewer Advisory Committee as part of the planning process. To kick off the planning process, a Sewer Comprehensive Plan Workshop was given to City Council on June 16, 2021:

6-year Transportation Improvement Program

Each year, per Washington State law, the City reviews and updates its 6-year Transportation Improvement Program (6-year TIP). The review process begins each spring and concludes with a public hearing and adoption by the City Council in June or July of each year. The current 2024 – 2029 6-year TIP is available below.

Street and Pedestrian Safety Plan

The Street and Pedestrian Safety Plan was approved by the City Council on April 4, 2018.   A link to the plan is provided below.  Please feel free to contact the Engineering Department at 360-394-9882 or if you have any questions or would like additional information on the City’s safety program.

TDM Study

STATUS 4/12/11: Complete, phase 1 has been implemented and no plans for further implementation are under consideration at this time.

The Traffic Demand Management Study was developed in 2008 and implementation is on-going. This study was developed based on suggestions from the 2006 Transportation Plan Update that included “Travel Demand Management” strategies for alleviating traffic in Poulsbo. Travel Demand Management is explained in the document and suggested actions for Poulsbo are described.

Final Report

Noll Road Corridor Study

STATUS 4/12/11: Complete, study is in implementation phase.
Click here for more details on current project activities.

The Noll Road Improvements project was developed to identify transportation improvement alternatives and develop a plan to implement both traffic and non-motorized features within the Noll Road corridor (from the intersection with SR-305 to the intersection with Lincoln Road), with a goal of maintaining or improving its current neighborhood character and ability to provide safe access to area homes and schools. The Noll Road corridor study examines the entire length of the Noll Road corridor between Lincoln Road and SR 305. The Study was completed in 2008 and the City has begun implementation of the plan.


South Fork Dogfish Creek Restoration Project

STATUS 4/12/11: Complete, study is in implementation phase

The South Fork Dogfish Creek Restoration Master Plan was completed and adopted by the City Council in September, 2010. The Plan was developed by the City’s consultant, ICF Jones & Stokes and staff from Engineering, Planning and Public Works. The Plan has two main goals: alleviate flooding problems along the Creek and restore stream ecology. The Plan includes a discussion of the existing conditions in the creek corridor, its natural history, and opportunities to improve habitat and reduce flooding. Grant opportunities are being pursued to fund projects described in the Plan.