Engineering > Poulsbo Complete Streets
The City of Poulsbo embarked on developing a Complete Streets Plan in Winter 2023. The Complete Streets Plan develops policies and practices that ensure the streets are safe for people of all ages and abilities, improve safety and connectivity, reduce congestion, and enhance the City’s streetscape for all users. Click here to view the Draft Complete Streets Plan.
The plan addresses topics related to walking, biking, accessibility, parking, transit, and streetscape improvements by identifying:
- Conceptual street design recommendations
- City projects and actions to invest in over time
- Costs and priorities for development and implementation
- Complete streets supportive policies
The Complete Streets Plan prioritizes planning efforts based on goals and objectives shaped by the community. A Community Stakeholder Committee has been established to inform and assist City staff and consultants with the planning.
Project Updates
Draft Complete Streets Plan
Please view the City of Poulsbo Complete Streets Plan working draft here. The draft plan was presented at the July 11, 2024 Stakeholder Committee Meeting.
Online Open House
The City hosted an Online Open House to invite the public to learn more about the Complete Streets Plan and to gather community feedback. Community feedback helps the City identify issues, opportunities, and potential projects related to transportation safety and connectivity throughout the City. The Online Open House is now closed. (Click here to read community comments). Thank you for your participation!
Stakeholder Committee Meeting #1 – September 21, 2023
The Complete Streets Stakeholder Committee’s first meeting was to provide input and lay the groundwork for the development of the Complete Streets Plan. The committee reviewed and discussed existing conditions, opportunities for change, as well as the draft goals and policies for initial feedback.

Stakeholder Committee Meeting #2 – November 30, 2023
The Complete Streets Stakeholder Committee’s second meeting was to discuss planning efforts, and expand on the first meeting, while providing feedback on each goal and objective discussed.

Stakeholder Committee Meeting #3 – February 6, 2024
The Complete Streets Stakeholder Committee, City staff, and the consultant team met for the third time to discuss planning efforts as part of the Complete Streets Plan. The goal of this meeting was to dive deeper into the typologies to evaluate how well they align with the City’s goals. Key points from this meeting included:
- Updated Street Typologies
- Evaluation Criteria
- Next Steps

Stakeholder Committee Meeting #4 – April 16, 2024
The Complete Streets Stakeholder Committee, City staff, and the consultant team met for their fourth meeting to discuss updated road typology sketches; Complete Streets analysis results summarizing the project’s purpose, goals, and objectives; prior community engagement from the Online Open House and Survey; and an initial outline of the Final Plan, which will be discussed at the next meeting in June (date TBD).

Stakeholder Committee Meeting #5 – July 11, 2024
The Complete Streets Stakeholder Committee, City staff, and the consultant team met for their fifth meeting to review the Draft Plan and discuss any concerns, as well as recap progress over the past year. WSDOT staff joined the meeting with the project team to review the recommendations of the Complete Street Plan along SR-305. Discussions about the Draft Plan were focused on the project list to ensure that the projects accurately address transportation needs and challenges in the City of Poulsbo.
You can get involved by…
- Viewing community feedback on our interactive Online Open House (now closed) – click here to see responses!
- Providing your thoughts on current challenges and ideas on how to improve the City’s transportation system by emailing
- Checking back at this website for updates throughout the planning process
Contact City of Poulsbo Engineering staff at if you have any questions.
We appreciate your interest in the Poulsbo Complete Streets Plan.