Housing, Health and Human Services Department
Olympic Community of Health Funding Opportunity
The City of Poulsbo is seeking funding from the Olympic Community of Health to create a Health and Resource Center (HRC) primarily intended to serve individuals with substance use disorders and co-occuring health conditions in the North Kitsap area. The HRC, during its pilot year, will operate in Poulsbo and be open on a bi-weekly basis. Visitors to the HRC will be able to access—without an appointment—a variety of services:
- substance use disorder services including resource navigation, Narcan distribution and training, connection to medication assisted therapy and other treatment options
- on site health services provided by a registered nurse
- access to telehealth services
- navigation to mental health services
- navigation to job coaching and vocational services
- case managers/systems navigators to assist with benefits and insurance
- housing navigators to assist with housing needs and applications
The HRC will be open to the public, but it will work in close coordination with the City’s Community Court when it starts operation in 2024. It will also be a resource for the City’s Fire CARES team, Police Navigator, and North Kitsap Recovery Navigator (R.E.A.L) program. Individuals will be welcome to the HRC regardless of income, insurance status, and existing providers; however access will be restricted to those who live or work in the North Kitsap area.
Housing is an essential part of recovery. As a part of this grant, the City is requesting funding for housing vouchers for low income individuals participating in Community Court and funding to enable Kitsap Homes of Compassion to open a 5-bedroom recovery house in the North Kitsap area. (KHOC will secure funding for a home; OCH funds will be used to cover start up/opening expenses and some staff costs.) Access to this house will be restricted to participants in Community Court and who are engaged with the HRC.
The City is proud to partner with KHOC, Kitsap County Public Health, the Kitsap County Prosector’s Office, Kitsap Mental Health Services, Believe in Recovery, and Olympic Peninsula Health Services as part of this application.
For examples of other Resource Centers connected with Court Programs click here:
Auburn https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/legal/community_court
Seattle https://www.seattle.gov/courts/programs-and-services/community-resource-center
For information about the Olympic Community of Health funding opportunity, and to learn about the OCH’s mission to address health disparities and improve individual and population health, click here: https://www.olympicch.org/funding