Noll Road Corridor Project
Project Description:
The project will connect SR305 to NE Lincoln Road via Noll Road, Languanet Lane and Maranatha Lane. The project will include roadway, illumination, sidewalk, and shared use path improvements in various configurations through the corridor. It will also include a roundabout at the new intersection of Johnson Road, a non-motorized crossing at SR305, and potential intersection traffic controls at the existing Noll Road -SR305 intersection. Stormwater conveyance improvements will extend to the Liberty Bay Outfall location. Utility relocation/replacement will occur as needed. New water/sewer mains will be installed in the new roadway segment. Miscellaneous temporary and permanent signage may extend outside the project termini.
This project will be constructed in three stages.
Stage 1 South – NE Johnson Way (or Liberty Bay outfall or NE Johnson Way & Lemolo) to intersection of Noll Road / Storhoff Road NE.
Stage 2 Center – Intersection of Noll Road / Storhoff Road NE to intersection of Noll Road and NE Mesford Road.
Stage 3 North – Intersection of Noll Road and NE Mesford Road to Maranatha Lane & Lincoln Road
This page has been created to help provide public access to detailed information related to the Noll Road Corridor Project. It is a project that has been in the long range plans for the City for a number of years, beginning as early as 1992. A more fully detailed history of the project conception, preliminary planning, etc. can be viewed .
One of the early stages of the corridor project was the Noll Road Corridor Study which was initiated in 2007 and the results were published in 2008. The results of that study can be downloaded below.
Project Activity Highlights:
- $3.4 million in federal transportation funding has been recommended by the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council for Phase I Construction of the South Segment of the alignment, to include the roadway from Johnson to Storhoff, as shown in the design graphic at the top of this page.
- $2.2 million STP grant for design and right of way acquisition.
- $1.35 million grant for the construction of the tunnel.
- $1.5 million TIB grant for construction.
- $5 million Connecting Washington grant for the construction of the roundabout.
Design of the South segment is nearing completion and the right-of-way acquisitions for the South segment are almost complete. The City expects to advertise Phase I in Fall 2019 with construction to begin in Spring 2020.
Project Timeline:
If you cannot find the information you are looking for on this page, please contact the Engineering Department at 360-394-9882. This page will be updated as more information becomes available.
City Staff reviews design plans with citizens
- Non-Motorized Coordination Meeting
$3.4 million in federal transportation funding has been recommended by the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council for Phase I Construction of the South Segment of the alignment, to include the roadway from Johnson to Storhoff, as shown in the design graphic at the top of this page.
$2.2 million STP grant for design and right of way acquisition.
$1.35 million grant for the construction of the tunnel.
$1.5 million TIB grant for construction.
$5 million Connecting Washington grant for the construction of the roundabout.
Who’s Listening
Engineering Department
Phone: (360) 394-9882