Planning & Building > Shoreline Master Program Update
Past Quarterly Updates
July 2011 Quarterly Update:
From April-June 2011, the City completed the public release draft of the SMP, including the shoreline maps, policies and regulations, comprehensive plan and critical areas ordinance amendments, cumulative impacts analysis, no net loss report, and restoration plan. (Other components of the SMP – Inventory and Characterization, Environment Designations, Strategy and Vision – where previously released, and are unchanged.) The full draft SMP was released for public review and comment on July 5, 2011.
April 2011 Quarterly Update:
On April 1, 2011, the City of Poulsbo submitted its April 2011 Quarterly Report on the ongoing Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Update, including the draft Cumulative Impacts Analysis and draft Restoration Plan to the Department of Ecology.
October 2010 Quarterly Update:
During July-October, 2010, the following deliverables were completed:
- Draft SMP Policies
- Draft Shoreline Management Regulations (PMC 16.08)
- Draft Shoreline Administration and Procedures Regulations (PMC 16.09)
July 2010 Quarterly Update:
From April 2010-July 2010, the following activities were completed:
- Final draft Inventory and Characterization document
- Shoreline Management Strategy
- Revised Environment Designations
April 2010 Quarterly Update:
From February 2010-April 2010, the following activities were completed:
- Community Visioning Workshops were held on February 25 and 27, 2010.
- The SMP online survey was completed.
- The following documents were provided to the Department of Ecology, City Council and Planning Commission for review: draft Shoreline Inventory & Characterization document and map exhibits; draft SMP Vision, Guiding Principles & Key Goals; draft Findings and Recommendations for local shoreline management; draft Environment Designations map and explanatory summary.
January 2010 SMP Quarterly Update:
From November 2009-January 2010, the following activities were completed:
- Community Visioning Workshops on topics such as shoreline public access, current/future land uses, and environmental protection were scheduled for February 25 and 27, 2010.
- An initial draft Shoreline Inventory & Characterization document was prepared by Grette Associates.
- The Dogfish Creek Shoreline Jurisdiction Summary Report was prepared by C3 Habitat Corp. to redelineate the estuary/tidal portion of Dogfish Creek near the head of Liberty Bay. This area has experienced significant changes in surrounding development and land use, channel location, and flow quantity since it was last mapped over 30 years ago. Based on the findings of this report, relevant changes in this area (such as revised location of the City’s shoreline jurisdiction) were incorporated into the Shoreline Inventory Maps.
October 2009 SMP Quarterly Update:
As of October 2009, the following activities were completed:
- June 2009 – the SMP informational brochure and online survey were prepared.
- June 2009 – letter and SMP brochure sent to major stakeholders (interest groups, Tribes, local civic organizations, etc), to inform them of the SMP process and opportunities for participation.
- July 2009 – letter and SMP brochure sent to all shoreline property and business owners, to inform them of the SMP process and opportunities for providing comment.
- August 13, 2009 – Kickoff Open House
- Several new draft shoreline inventory maps have been added to those that were available at the August open house. These include utility maps (Water, Stormwater, Sewer and Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems), and an enhanced Public Access Points map.
- A consultant was hired to redelineate the tidal portion of North Fork Dogfish Creek and adjacent shorelands that are within the shoreline jurisdiction. This action is necessary since this portion of Dogfish Creek was last delineated in 1977, and the channel, wetlands and regional drainage patterns have changed significantly since that time. This work will be completed by November 2009.
- A consultant was hired to address the next phases of review, which will require professional scientific expertise (evaluation of environmental conditions, shoreline characterization, cumulative impacts analysis for future policy recommendations, and a mitigation and restoration plan). This work will extend through Years One and Two of the SMP update.