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Photo Enforcement


This infraction will not be a part of your driving record and will be processed like a parking infraction.

An infraction detected through the use of an automated traffic safety camera is a non-criminal offense for which you cannot go to jail. The penalty for this infraction may include non-renewal of the vehicle registration.

Like a parking ticket, this infraction will not appear on your driving record. However, failure to respond to a Notice of Infraction, failure to appear for a requested hearing, or failure to pay a penalty imposed after a hearing will result in a late fee as well as this Notice of Infraction being referred to a collection agency and additional penalties plus collection fees will be added to the original penalty.

Failure to appear at a hearing requested for the purpose of contesting the determination or for the purpose of explaining mitigating circumstances may result in the refusal of the department to renew the vehicle license, until any penalties imposed pursuant to RCW Chapter 46.63 have been satisfied.

How to Respond

You must respond by one of the following methods.

  • Payment Plan

    If you have received a photo enforcement infraction and are unable to pay in full, you may request a payment plan with the court online, at the front counter or by phone at 360.779.9846.

Request a Payment Plan


  • Request a Mitigation Hearing

    I agree I have committed the infraction, but I want a hearing to explain the circumstances.

Mitigation Hearing (in Person): By requesting a mitigation hearing in person, you agree to appear at your scheduled hearing and will be deemed to have committed the infraction. You may not subpoena witnesses for this hearing. You would request a mitigation hearing if you agree the infraction was committed but believe the circumstances may be such that the court should reduce the penalty. You will be notified in writing of your mitigation hearing date.

Mitigation Hearing (by Mail): Instead of appearing in court, you have the option of a mitigation hearing by mail; you will not be required to appear in court. Instead, you must complete the Statement of Declaration for Hearing by Mail and submit to the court. You may not subpoena witnesses for this hearing. The court will review your declaration, the video/images of the incident and the police officer’s sworn statement and render a decision. The infraction will be found committed and a monetary penalty will be determined. The judge may, but is not required to, reduce the penalty depending on any mitigating circumstances. You will be notified by mail of the judge’s decision and you agree to pay the penalty within 30 days of the decision. You may not appeal the court’s determination or order.

  • Request a Contested Hearing

    I want to contest (challenge) this infraction. I did not commit the infraction. 

Contested Hearing (in Person): At a contested hearing the City has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the infraction was committed. By requesting a contested hearing in person, you agree to appear at your scheduled hearing. You may subpoena witnesses including the officer who issued this Notice of Infraction. You will be notified in writing of your contested hearing date.

Contested Hearing (by Mail): Instead of appearing in court, you have the option of a contested hearing by mail; you will not be required to appear in court. Instead, you must complete the Statement of Declaration for Hearing by Mail and submit to the court. The City has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the infraction was committed. By conducting a contested hearing by mail, you are waiving the ability to subpoena witnesses. The court will review your declaration, the video/images of the incident, and the police officer’s sworn statement and render a decision. The judge will not reduce the penalty if the infraction is found to have been committed. You will be notified by mail of the judge’s decision and you agree to pay the penalty within 30 days of the decision. You may not appeal the court’s determination or order.

Declaration of Non-Responsibility

Submit a Declaration of Non-Responsibility


Why did I receive a Notice of Infraction?

 The Notice is sent to the registered vehicle owner. The Notice represents a determination that an infraction has been committed by the person named in the Notice. As the registered owner of the vehicle described on the Notice, the vehicle owner is alleged to have either:

  • failed to come to a complete stop, and remain stopped, at a clearly marked stop line or other stopping point while facing a steady circular red signal; OR,
  • exceeded the speed limit in a school zone when warning lights are flashing and signs indicating the speed limit is enforced with automated traffic safety cameras; OR,
  • exceeded the speed limit in a public park zone enforced with automated traffic safety cameras.

Will this be reported to my insurance or go against my driving record?

An infraction detected through an automated traffic safety camera is a non-criminal offense for which imprisonment may not be imposed as a sanction. The penalty for an infraction, like a parking ticket, will not become part of the driving record. However, failure to respond to a Notice of Infraction, or failure to appear for a requested hearing for the purpose of contesting the determination or for the purpose of explaining mitigating circumstances, may result in refusal of the department to renew the vehicle registration until any penalties imposed have been satisfied.

How much is the fine?

The monetary penalty amount for a red-light infraction and park zone speed infraction is $145.00.

A school zone speed infraction is implemented at three levels:
a vehicle exceeding the posted speed limit by 6MPH – 10MPH is subject to a fine of $150.00;
a vehicle exceeding the posted speed limit by 11MPH – 15MPH is subject to a fine of $200.00;
a vehicle exceeding the posted speed limit by 16+ MPH is subject to a fine of $250.00.

How do I pay the fine?

  1. PAY ONLINE: The fastest and easiest way to pay is online. Go to

A fee may apply for online payments.

  1. PAYMENT BY MAIL: Send bottom portion of your citation along with a check or money order payable to the following address. Be sure to include the License Plate and Notice number on the face of your payment.

Poulsbo Municipal Court
Traffic Safety Enforcement Program
200 NE Moe Street
Poulsbo, WA 98370

*Please do NOT mail cash.
*No out-of-state checks

Your payment must be received on or before the Due Date shown on the front of your Notice of Citation. If you have any questions regarding payments, please contact Poulsbo Municipal Court at 360.779.9846.

  1. PAY BY PHONE: 360.626.6073 (bilingual support offered for phone payments only).

What if I don’t agree with my speeding citation? How can I dispute it?

Complete the information on the coupon and make sure the mailing address is showing in the envelope window.

MITIGATION HEARING: By requesting a mitigation hearing, you agree to appear at your scheduled hearing and will be deemed to have committed the infraction. You may not subpoena witnesses for this hearing. You will request a mitigation hearing if you agree the infraction was committed but believe the circumstances may be such that the court could reduce or waive the penalty. You will be notified in writing of your mitigation hearing date.

CONTESTED HEARING: At a contested hearing, the City of Poulsbo has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the infraction was committed. By requesting a contested hearing, you agree to appear at your scheduled hearing. You may subpoena witnesses, including the officer who issued this Notice of Infraction. You will be notified in writing of your contested hearing date. Please review the video at prior to requesting a hearing.

ABILITY TO PAY HEARING: By request an ability to pay hearing, you admit responsibility for the infraction and agree to appear at your scheduled hearing to provide evidence regarding your inability to pay the penalty in full.

For questions regarding hearing options, call the Poulsbo Municipal Court at 360.779.9846.

What if I lost my Notice of Citation?

Please call 866.790.4111 and have your license plate number readily available.

What if the registered owner was not driving the vehicle at the time of the violation?

 The registered owner of a vehicle will be mailed the Notice of Violation. If your vehicle/plate was stolen or you are a rental/lease car agency, you may complete an Affidavit of Non-Responsibility and attach supporting documentation found on

The Affidavit must be received by the due date of your Notice. The Affidavit and supporting documentation will be reviewed and will result in either dismissal of the notice or the scheduling of an administrative hearing. You will be notified in writing of any action taken.

Will “points” be assessed on my driving record?

A violation for which a civil monetary penalty is imposed pursuant to Washington shall be deemed noncriminal and no points assigned.

How can I see the video and images captured for my Notice of Violation?

The recorded images and video will be submitted as evidence in any administrative hearing for this violation. You may view your images online at You will need your Citation # and PIN shown on the front of the Notice of Citation.

Can I receive citations for other offenses as a result of the Speed Safety Camera violation?

No. Drivers who receive speed safety camera citations are cited for speed citations only.