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Comprehensive Plan Amendments

What is the Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan describes the 20-year vision for Poulsbo and how that vision will be achieved.  The plan covers land use, community character, economic development, natural environment, housing, transportation, capital facilities, utilities as well as parks, recreation, and open space.  The Comprehensive Plan is mandated by the Washington State Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A).

Annual Amendments

Proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered no more than once per year, as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). All proposals are considered at the same time so the cumulative effect of the various proposals can be determined. However, State law does allow some amendments to be made outside of the normal annual amendment cycle. These include actions such as subarea planning or emergency amendments, for which there are criteria.

Who May Apply

Any person or entity (e.g., private citizens, groups, city departments) may initiate a text amendment, which is a proposal to change the plan text language. Only property owners or their authorized agents may initiate a site-specific amendment.


Please refer to the City’s current fee schedule for updated fees. Fees are dependent on the nature of the proposed amendment.  Amendments may also require a pre-application conference, environmental (SEPA) review, and additional fees from the Engineering Department.


Proposals to amend the comprehensive plan shall be submitted no later than November 15 of each year.  The review process generally takes 5-7 months.

Decision Criteria

Per PMC 18.210.020 B, in order to grant a comprensive plan amendment, one of the following must apply:

  1. The amendment is warranted due to an error in the initial adoption of the city comprehensive plan.
  2. The amendment is based on a change of conditions or circumstances from the initial  adoption of the city comprehensive plan.
  3. The amendment is based on new information that was not available at the time of the initial adoption of the city comprehensive plan.
  4. The amendment is based on a change in the population allocation assigned to the city by Kitsap County.

2026 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments

For more information contact Nikole Coleman, Senior Planner, at 

Contact the Planning and Economic Development Department:

Phone: 360-394-9882
Fax: 360-697-8269
Email: plan&
Mail: 200 NE Moe Street, Poulsbo, WA 98370
Physical Address: 200 NE Moe Street, Poulsbo — 2nd floor