2025 Critical Areas Ordinance Update
Under Washington State Law, all counties and cities in the state must conduct a periodic review and update of their critical areas regulations. This happens every 10 years as we review and update our Comprehensive Plan, which guides the growth anticipated in the next 20 years. This periodic update provides an opportunity for the City to make sure our regulations are consistent with federal and state policies, and incorporate scientific advancements related to environmental conservation and natural hazards. The City’s critical areas regulations were last updated in 2017. This new update is due June 2025.
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December 10, 2024 – Planning Commission Meeting Kick-Off and Open House
What Are Critical Areas?
The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires all cities and counties in Washington to adopt regulations protecting “critical areas” in order to preserve the natural environment, wildlife habitats, and sources of fresh drinking water. Critical areas regulation also encourage public safety by limiting development in areas prone to natural hazards like floods and landslides. RCW 36.70A.030(6) defines five types of critical areas:
- Wetlands (click for an info card with more information)
- Fish and Wildlife Conservation Areas
- Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
- Frequently Flooded Areas
- Geologically Hazardous Areas
What is Best Available Science?
Jurisdictions must demonstrate that the best available science has been considered when creating their critical areas ordinance by documenting scientific sources that support their approach to regulating critical areas and explaining when policies depart from science-based recommendations. Chapter 365-195 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) serves as a guide for establishing what is considered the best available science. The Department of Commerce and the Department of Ecology provide helpful guidance on addressing the GMA’s best available science requirements.
Currently Adopted Critical Areas Regulations
- Poulsbo Municipal Code Chapter 16.20, Critical Areas
- Critical Area Maps:
- Critical Areas Handbook: A Handbook for Reviewing Critical Areas Regulation (2023)
- Local wetland regulations: Growth Management Act technical assistance (Ecology)
- Hiring a qualified wetland professional (Ecology)
- Critical aquifer recharge areas (Ecology)
Priority Habitats and Species List (WDFW) - Riparian Ecosystems, Volume 2: Management Recommendations (WDFW)
Frequently flooded areas: Critical Areas Ordinance (Ecology) -
Geologic Hazards and the Environment (DNR) - Critical Area Handout
- Critical Area Permit Application Form
- Critical Area Exemption Application Form