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Public Works > Stormwater

The Stormwater Division of the Public Works Department manages and maintains the City’s stormwater collection and conveyance system. The natural drainage system consists of the Dogfish, Lemolo, Johnson and Bjorgen Creek basins, as well as several other basins that discharge directly to Liberty Bay. The collection and conveyance system consists of approximately 19 miles of pipes, 4 miles of open drainage ditches, 1,270 catch basins, and 51 discharge points.

Stormwater runoff rates are controlled by more than 40 detention facilities in numerous neighborhoods and at some commercial properties. These facilities include limited localized treatment for stormwater quality, but otherwise, stormwater is not treated. For more information about stormwater quality click here. Inquiries should be directed to Public Works, (360) 779-4078.


Looking for information about the City’s new stormwater pollution prevention program? Visit the page by clicking here!

Natural Yard Care







Certain things just don’t mix……..(Click on the photos below to see how! )

Like cheese and coffee

 Like playing fetch with a slug

Like bowling and soccer


It’s your doody!

Dogs in Kitsap County drop more than 11 tons of waste each day! That’s raw sewage sitting in our yards and parks. The harmful organisms in the waste can survive for weeks in yards and streams, waiting for a human host. Landfills are designed to safely handle substances such as dog waste and cat litter.


Pick it up with the Mutt Mitt Program

Enhance the safety and enjoyment of neighborhood common areas, trails, and other open spaces by making pet waste cleanup easy and convenient for dog owners. Find out how to participate in this county-wide project here.

Hey Dog! Picking up after your pooch helps protect Puget sound. Watch this video featuring Martin Luther’s poop scoopin’ version of Blackstreet’s hit, No Diggity. Just hit the refresh button on your browser if you have trouble loading the page.

Picking up after Fido isn’t just the neighborly thing to do in your ‘hood, it goes a long way to protect the health of Puget Sound – because remember, Puget Sound Starts Here!


If your car is leaking oil, it not only means your engine may be at risk – it also means that leaking oil may flow to Puget Sound. When it rains, stormwater runoff picks up leaks off of roads and carries it to rivers, lakes and streams that flow into Puget Sound.

 Visit participating repair shop to get a FREE visual vehicle leak inspection – up to an $80 value! Plus, if a leak is found, get 10% off repairs (up to $50).

 Visit to find a participating shop near you!

 Program funded by a grant from the Department of Ecology




What is a Watershed?

 A watershed is an area of land that drains all the streams and rainfall to a common outlet such as the outflow of a reservoir, mouth of a bay, or any point along a stream channel. The word watershed is sometimes used interchangeably with drainage basin or catchment. In our case, it is the Puget Sound.

 A storymap is an interactive map that as you navigate the watershed, tells the story of that watershed. This can include its history, areas impacted by pollutants, how it is influenced by development, and much more.

 Explore Poulsbo’s watershed storymap with the Washington Stormwater Center