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City Council > Goals & Accomplishments

Long Term Goals

#1 – Growth 
Manage growth and change consistent with the Poulsbo Comprehensive Plan and adopted Smart Growth goals, the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council and the State Growth Management Act

#2 – Economic Development
Encourage a variety of job and housing opportunities through economic development including telecommunications

#3 – Public Safety
Ensure the protection of persons and property

#4 – Revenues and Financial Stability
Make efficient use of city resources and maintain the city’s long‑term financial stability in accordance with the city’s financial policies

#5 – Parks & Recreation
Address an enriched quality of life through support of parks, recreation and open space and promote cultural natural resource stewardship

#6 – Public Works
Provide and maintain city facilities, basic services of water, wastewater, solid waste, surface water and streets and achieve regulatory compliance

#7 – Customer Service
Continuously provide courteous, professional and responsive customer service

#8 – Enhanced Communication and Participation
Promote understanding of city government through education and public participation

#9 – Environment
Enhance the community’s quality of life through responsible development of land and stewardship of the natural environment


Adopted by City Council Ordinance 2002-13 08/07/2002

2020-2021 Working Goals

1. Develop and Implement a “Neighborhood Streets Maintenance Program”

(Responds to Community Goal #1 – Land Use and #9 – Revenues and Financial Stability)


  1. Create an implementation plan for which streets will be done in each year and which chip sealing process will be used for the streets. Responsibility – Engineering and Public Works Departments
  2. Implement “Neighborhood Streets Maintenance Program” based on funding. Responsibility – Engineering and Public Works Departments
  3. Funds will be retained until used for this designated purpose. Responsibility – City Council
2. Develop Long Term Economic Development Plan

(Responds to Community Goal #7 – Economic Development)


  1. Annually address the Comprehensive Plan Update as appropriate. Responsibility – Planning/Economic Development Committee/City Council
  2. Explore and support the College Town concept, Nightlife Economy and appropriate business locations. Responsibility – Planning/Economic Development Committee/City Council
  3. Explore alternative and affordable housing solutions. Responsibility – Housing, Health & Humans Services Committee, Planning/Economic Development Committee, City Council
3. Research Options for New Public Works Facility

(Responds to Community Goal #4 – Capital Facilities)


  1. Develop design/scope of work and proposed budget for construction.Responsibility – Mayor/Engineering/Public Works
  2. Review design/scope of work and proposed budget. Responsibility – City Council
  3. Decommissioning of old Public Works facility. Responsibility – Mayor/Engineering/Public Works
4. Implement Dog Fish Creek Study

(Responds to Community Goal #3 – Natural Environment)


  1. Review Dog Fish Creek Study, identify projects in study and set remaining priorities. Responsibility – Engineering
  2. Establish Funding for Implementation of Prioritized Projects. Responsibility – City Council
    -Investigate Hattaland Park.
  3. Complete 8th Ave. Culvert Replacement. Responsibility – Engineering
  4. Remove brush and willows along State Route 305. Responsibility – Public Works
5. Develop New Approaches to Promote, Engage, and Communicate with our Youth

(Responds to Community Goal #2 – Community Character)

 Responsibility – City Council

 6. Transition Plan for Executive Branch of Government

(Responds to Community Goal #9 – Revenues and Financial Stability and #10 Customer Service)

  1. Hold a Council workshop in January 2021 to determine if it is feasible to fund a city administrator. Responsibility – City Council
  2. Structure needs to be determined prior to the filing for the next Mayoral election (May 2021). Responsibility – City Council
7. Reinforce and Establish our Relationship with the Community Related to Diversity and Inclusivity

(Responds to Community Goal #2 – Community Character and Community Goal #12 – Enhanced Communication and Participation) 

  1. Combat racism in the community. Responsibility – City Council
  2. Reinforcing the City’s relationship with the Suquamish Tribe. Responsibility – City Council
  3. Exploring a historical and cultural monument for the Suquamish Tribe and Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe in Muriel Iverson Waterfront Park. Responsibility – City Council
8. Support the Construction of the Poulsbo Event and Recreation Center

(Responds to Community Goal #4 – Capital Facilities)

  1. Develop design/scope of work and proposed budget for construction. Responsibility – Mayor/Engineering/Public Works/Community Services Committee
  2. Review design/scope of work and proposed budget. Responsibility – City Council
9. Support Community Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic

(Responds to Community Goal #8 – Economic Development and Community Goal #9 – Public Safety, and Community Goal #10 – Revenues and Financial Stability) 

Responsibility – Housing, Health, and Human Services Committee and City Council