City Council > Council Meetings
The Poulsbo City Council meets the first three Wednesdays of each month at 5:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Citizens are welcome to attend City Council meetings. The agenda and full meeting packet is posted on the city’s website (agenda page) prior to the meeting. Agendas are also available at the meeting.
How to participate in Council Meetings
Citizen Comments
- Citizen Comment periods are held during regular city council meetings. The periods allow for the public to address the Council on subjects not scheduled for public hearing.
- Comments can be made in-person. Please state your name and limit your comments to 3 minutes, unless additional time is granted by Council. As a rule, the Council will not respond to citizen comments.
- Written comments can emailed to by 2:00 p.m. the day of the meeting, and they will be distributed to the Council before the meeting. Written comments will not be read into the record.
Public Hearings
A public hearing allows the public to provide input/testimony to the Council on a specific subject. If you wish to speak during a public hearing, please sign the appropriate sign in sheet at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Comments during a public hearing are limited to 5 minutes.
Watch the Council meetings on Cable Television or Live online
City Council meetings are broadcast on Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT), Cable channel 12 at the following times:
Live: 5:00 PM
Rebroadcast: Friday at 1:00 AM & Saturday at 3:00 PM
To view a live streaming meeting or to watch a recording of a City Council Meeting, click here.
Want more information?
The City Clerk’s Office maintains a list of citizens who have requested an email notification when upcoming City Council meeting agendas are available on the city’s website. If you would like to receive this notification, sign up on the agenda page.