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Public Works > Water

Water Main Flushing

The City of Poulsbo will be flushing water mains in our Lower Zone System beginning Friday, 11/8/24 ending on Monday, 11/11/24. The Lower Zone System is shaded on the MAP. We typically flush from 10pm until 4am. During these times, customers may experience discolored water. If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Golden at 360-396-7751 or


Lincoln Well Treatment Plant: Completed in early 2018 and put into production in April 2018. This treatment plant has drastically reduced the Iron and Manganese in the finished water for the Upper and Middle Pressure Zones on the east side of town. This has led to a sharp decline in discolored water complaints and a reduced need for Water Main Flushing in these areas, saving on both labor and water.


Westside Well Treatment Plant: Completed in early 2022. This facility helps with water quality as it filters out most of the Iron and Manganese naturally found in our water that causes sedimentation and discolored water. This facility serves filtered water primarily to the Olhava and Viking areas of town.



Frequently Asked Questions

Where does my water come from?
  • Big Valley Well 1 – 395 feet deep
  • Big Valley Well 2 – 537 feet deep
  • Lincoln Road Well #1 – 320 feet deep
  • Lincoln Road Well #2 – 265.5 feet deep
  • Westside Well – 650 feet deep
Why is my water sometimes brown?

The culprit is the presence of the minerals iron and manganese. Poulsbo’s drinking water sources are tested for these minerals on a regular basis and results are within the protective standards determined by the Washington State Department of Health.

Will elevated levels of iron or manganese harm my health?

It is unlikely that the discolored water would cause any health problems. Discolored water is mainly an aesthetic issue.

Where does iron and manganese come from?

The minerals may be coming from a number of sources, here are some typical possibilities:

  • The pipes in your home may be rusty. This can happen if you have older, galvanized iron plumbing. Galvanized plumbing has a silvery color, whereas copper pipe is orange-colored. Galvanized pipe was commonly used in home plumbing prior to the mid-1960s.
  • Your hot water tank is rusting or sediments have accumulated in the hot water tank. This would not affect your cold water.
  • Naturally-occurring sediments in the water main in the street have been stirred up. This can happen during a water main break, when the fire hydrant in your area has been used, when the City is performing annual water main flushing to remove sediments, or from other circumstances.
Discolored Water Flushing Instructions

Follow the simple steps below if you discover discolored water in your home.

Discolored water is the result of the minerals and iron in the mains being stirred up from high flow situations, which may occur while performing maintenance, during fire fighting or excessive water usage due to warm weather. The discolored water is SAFE as it is continually checked and tested.

Whenever you have discolored water, you should not use any hot water. You need to wait until you get the cold water clear first.
Go to an outside hose bib or cold water faucet in the bathtub and let the water run for a minute or two, no longer.

After that, you need to do the same thing to each individual cold-water faucet inside your home.

What does the City add to our water?

The City adds chlorine and fluoride to your water.

CHLORINE: Chlorine is added to drinking water to eliminate harmful bacteria that may be found in water. The amount of chlorine we add to the water is checked daily and is kept at between .2 and .6 parts per million.

FLUORIDE: Fluoride is added to the water to help prevent tooth decay. We add enough fluoride to our water to keep a residual level of .8 parts per million and we test the level daily.

When should I water my lawn?

You may water or irrigate between the hours of 6-10 a.m. and 6-10 p.m.

Link to Poulsbo Municipal Code

If I have questions about my water, who can I contact?

If you have any questions concerning your water, please contact Ryan Golden, in the Public Works Department (360) 394-9751 Monday-Friday from 7:00am to 3:30pm, excluding holidays.