Public Works > FAQ’s
Who do I contact regarding utility services?
Water, Sewer, and Storm Drain
New Service and Billing – 360-394-9881
Public Works – 360-779-4078
Garbage and Recycling
New Service and Billing – 360-394-9881
Public Works – 360-779-4078
Commercial Recycling
Bainbridge Disposal – 206-842-4882
Yard Waste Recycling
Bainbridge Disposal – 206-842-4882
Comcast – 877-824-2288
Puget Sound Energy – 888-225-5773
Natural Gas
Cascade Natural Gas – 360-373-1403
I have a question about my bill
For questions about bills, rates and consumption, please contact Utility Billing at 360-394-9881, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Who do I contact to report that a street light is out?
All street lights are serviced by Puget Sound Energy. You can report it directly to or you can call 1-800-321-4123 and let them know which light is out. It is very helpful if you report the 12-digit number that is on the pole.
Who do I contact about a traffic signal outage?
If the traffic signal is located within the city limits, please contact Public Works, 360-779-4078.
Highway 305 traffic signal timing or outages, please call Department of Transportation (DOT) at 360-357-2616.
How do I report pot holes?
Pot holes within the City of Poulsbo may be reported to Public Works 360-779-4078. If calling after normal business hours please leave a message and provide the direction (east bound, west bound, etc.), address of location and the nearest cross street. Information will be forwarded to the Public Works crew.
Reminder – The City does not maintain or pave private roads.
Is my drinking water treated?
The City’s water sources are treated with chlorine as required for disinfection purposes and fluoride is added.
I have discolored water
Call Public Works at 360-779-4078 for information or follow the simple steps below if you discover discolored water in your home.
Discolored water is the result of the minerals and iron in the mains being stirred up from high flow situations, which may occur while performing maintenance, during fire fighting or excessive water usage due to warm weather. The discolored water is SAFE as it is continually checked and tested.
Whenever you have discolored water, you should not use any hot water. You need to wait until you get the cold water clear first.
Use an outside hose bib or cold water faucet in the bathtub and let the water run for a minute or two, no longer.
Then you should do the same thing to each individual cold water faucet inside your home.
When you have followed the steps above your water should be clear.
I need to shut off my water
Your water meter belongs to the City of Poulsbo. If you turn off the meter on your own and cause damage, you may be held liable for damage costs. Please contact Public Works, 360-779-4078, if you need your water shut off to do repairs. The City will provide this service free of charge during normal business hours.
What do I do if my garbage was missed?
Check out ways to Avoid Missed Garbage or contact Public Works 360-779-4078.