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Building Department

The Building Department is responsible for the review and approval of structures within the City of Poulsbo.




*  For electrical permits, please contact Labor and Industries.


The City of Poulsbo Building Department will be performing scheduled inspections on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thursdays are reserved for Building Plan Review until further notice.


Inspection requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Time slots requested online are taken into consideration during scheduling but not always guaranteed.


Building Department (located on 2nd floor)
200 NE Moe Street | Poulsbo, WA 98370-7437

Phone: (360) 394-9882 | Fax: (360) 697-8269

To schedule an inspection call: (360) 394-9882
For building/sign permit questions call: (360) 394-9882
For transportation/engineering questions call: (360) 394-9739
For garbage/sewer/water questions call: (360) 779-4078

Public Records Requests

If you would like to request copies of past permits, or building information that may be in our archives, please submit a Public Records Request HERE.

Building Department Fees

Single Family Connection Fees Effective January 1, 2025

The general facility fee for water is $5,829.96

The general facility fee for sewer is $15,383.00

The general facility fee for stormwater is $1,605.91

Meter Fees are as follows:

3/4-inch meter $195
1-inch meter $305
1 1/2 – inch meter $700
2 – inch meter $980
Meter Transponder $205
Impact Fees for New Single Family Homes

Traffic and Park impact fees are due at building permit issuance and proof of payment for School Impact Fees is due prior to permit issuance.

Park Impact Fee $1,316.33
Traffic Impact Fee $5,324.16
School Impact Fees are paid directly to the North Kitsap School District, the 2024 fee table can be found here and the current fee for single family is $1,678.70.


Building Department Monthly Reports