Recovery Resource Center
The North Kitsap Recovery Resource Center is a walk-in, no-cost resource center for anyone interested in drug or alcohol recovery in the North Kitsap area. The Center is open for walk-in services Monday – Friday from 10am to 4pm. The main phone line is (360) 564-9635 and Center Manager Kari can be reached at (360) 981-8824.
Service options include:
- Help with court requirements
- Peer support
- Substance use disorder evaluations
- Mental health counseling
- Housing navigation
- Employment services
- Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and alcohol addiction
- Groups and classes, including: SMART Recovery, Narcotics Anonymous, and anger management. Click “Center Support Groups & Classes” button below.
- Narcan is located outside of the center, for access 24/7.
The Center operates on a membership model. Membership is free and available to anyone with an interest in recovery. Visitors are welcome to use the Center for information and peer support; members have access to other services throughout the week. We welcome friends and family members of people struggling with substance use.
19351 8th Avenue NE Suite 141
Poulsbo Village Upper Building (up from Centennial Park)
For more information, call the Center at 360-564-9635
For after hours assistance, call the Washington Recovery Help Line at 866-789-1511
If you have a a complaint regarding the Center, please submit a Complaint Form.
Financial support for the Center is provided by:
- The City of Poulsbo
- Kitsap County
- Olympic Community of Health
- Washington State Health Care Authority
- Washington State Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs through the Arrest and Jail Alternatives Law Enforcement Grant Program
- Opioid settlement dollars
- Donations
The North Kitsap Recovery Resource Center works with the following programs and organizations:
- AMFM Healthcare Services
- Bainbridge Island Police Department and Community Health Navigator
- Bainbridge Municipal Court
- Fishline Comprehensive Services
- Kitsap Homes of Compassion
- Kitsap Mental Health Services
- Kitsap County Prosecutor
- Kitsap Public Health District
- Kitsap Recovery Center
- Kitsap Recovery Navigator (R.E.A.L.) Program
- Peer Washington
- Poulsbo Fire Department and Fire CARES Program
- Poulsbo Housing, Health and Human Services
- Poulsbo Police Department and Police Navigator
- Poulsbo Municipal Court
- Suquamish Wellness Center