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Report a Neighborhood Issue/Complaint

The City of Poulsbo uses an online reporting tool called SeeClickFix. This tool allows citizens to report non-emergency issues such as potholes, graffiti, sidewalk issues, litter, and more through the City’s website or via a smart phone app.

Please submit a Complaint Form for all other concerns.


In your browser: Click the red “Launch the Portal” button below. Click the “New Request” button. Drag the marker to the location of the issue or type the address and click “Confirm Location”. Select a category. Add an image to the complaint or click No Photo, if no image is available. Type a description of the issue and answer the questions on the page (the more information provided the better it will help us to assist with your complaint). Choose how you wish to submit your request and click the “Next” button.

In the mobile app: Download the See Click Fix App using a blackberryiPhone or Android phone. Follow the prompts from the app.

Issues that have been closed will be left on the site for 30 days, after which time they will be removed from view.