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City of Poulsbo Special Event Permits

Special Event Permit process

On January 22, 2020 the Poulsbo City Council adopted a new ordinance creating section 5.30 Special Event Permits to the Poulsbo Municipal Code.

A Special Event is defined as: Any activity on public property and or public right-of-way; or any event held on private property which would have a direct significant impact to city services (ex. police, streets, etc.) that involves an open invitation to the public or attendance is by private invitation of 100 or more people.

Below you will find the Special Event Guide to assist in completing the Special Event Permit.

Completed application packets must contain all required documentation relevant to the event which includes the Special Event Application and may include the completion of additional forms (to be submitted all together.)

All completed application packets must be submitted 90 days prior to the event date with the $75.00 fee in order to be accepted. If an event packet is submitted within 45 to 90 days of the event, an additional fee of $50.00 is incurred. Incomplete application packets or packets received within 45 days of an event will not be accepted.

Click to check if your event date meets our 90-day special events application submission requirement.
Click to check what other events are going throughout Poulsbo on our Community Event Calendar.

Once approved, the Event Applicant will be sent a Special Event Permit that must be retained on-site at the event.

All Special Events in 2025:

New – Online Special Event Permit Application

New Requirement & Reminder – Insurance

  • The insurance minimum for events will need to meet $2 Million Per Occurrence / $2 Million General Aggregate(updating from a $1 Million Per Occurrence). This update – as well as those below – are the result from recommendations from a special event audit conducted by the City’s insurance agency WCIA and national trends.
    • Special events with additional levels of risk – including, but not limited to involving fireworks, carnival rides/inflatables, large crowds, alcohol, or be near or over water – you may be required to secure higher insurance levels due to the risk. If your event contains one of the above, the City advises event organizers add at a minimum a $1 Million umbrella / excess policy to complement their CGL insurance levels.
    • The City will only accept Per Occurrence coverage versus Claims-Made. Check to ensure you have the correct insurance coverage. If you currently have Claims-Made, you will need to move to Per Occurrence at your next renewal period for the City to accept your insurance coverage.
    • The City has developed an updated “Insurance Worksheet 2025” with a list of Insurance Companies use for Special Events which is a compilation of what event organizers have previously used along with examples of insurance and additionally ensured endorsements.
    • As a reminder: a special event permit cannot be issued until we receive an acceptable COI has been issued within 30 days of the event and/or received once renewed. If insurance renews within 30 days of the listed event date, the insurance agent must send over a document expressing their intent to renew to the requirements outlined by the City.

New Requirement – Site and Safety Review

  • Event organizers can choose to conduct (or waive) a site safety inspection the week before their event. This is an optional inspection that utilized the City’s Site and Safety Review Worksheet” to document any safety concerns that may need attention. The worksheet must be returned 4 business days before the event is to be held in order to allow the City time to follow up on any areas of potential concern. Organizers who do not return the worksheet four business days prior to their event will be considered to have waived their inspection and accepted the site “as is”.

Flagging Requirements

  • In Washington State, flagging certification is required for individuals directing traffic at special events, including parades, festivals, or gatherings that affect normal traffic flow. Certification must meet Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) standards. It is the event organizer’s responsibility to ensure WSDOT standards are met through utilizing certified flaggers and informing the City in the special event application of their intended use, time, and location.

Cost Recovery

  • As the City continues host to a variety of growing special events, many of which have changing public safety and site management needs, the City has developed a plan to recover the expenses incurred by providing direct support in the form of Police, Public Works, or other City services. It is the City’s intent to start recovering these costs in the near future and communicate with event organizers so they may prepare accordingly. Fees for City services will need to be paid proactively, no later than two weeks before an event date, or be at risk of not being approved for a permit.
    A) Legacy Events: Cost recovery transition over three years:
    *2025 – One-third (33%) city fees cost recovered
    *2026 – Two-thirds (66%) city fees cost recovered
    *2027+ – All (100%) city fees cost recovered
    B) New Events: All (100%) city fees cost recovered in 2025
    *Note: Any events that do not occur annually are processed as a new event
    C) Annual Events that already pay fees: All (100%) city fees cost recovered


New Year, New Goals! We are conducting a Special Events Analysis to better understand the requirements, processes, and regulations surrounding special events across cities in Washington These insights will be invaluable in helping create a benchmark for practices and identify areas for improvement.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the
City of Poulsbo Special Event Coordinator: Lin Hino |

Special Event Packet Paperwork

Special Event Permit Form:

Special Event Permit Application Guide

Special Event Permit Application

Special Event Site and Safety Review Worksheet

  • Organizers who do not return the worksheet 4 business days prior to their event will be considered to have waived
    their inspection and accepted the site “as is”.

A pre-application meeting is encouraged for new events; optional for returning events. Schedule a chat with Special Event Coordinator:  

Upon submission of this special event permit application and required forms:

  1. City will reach out to the applicant to confirm event details and collect the applicable application fees.
  2. A Special Event Permit will only be issued after all documents have been submitted, reviewed, and accepted by the City of Poulsbo. Please note that this takes 45-90 days to complete.
    Required Processing Time

    All Special Event Permit Applications must be received a minimum of 90 days prior to the event start date. While occasional exceptions can be made, the consequences of a late submission may include any or all of the following:

    • Permit may be denied due to insufficient processing time
    • Subject to 
    • Jeopardizes historical date/location for recurring events
    • Jeopardizes future events you may request
    • Police staffing or other City services may not be available
    • You will not receive a preliminary permit document (only the final permit document will be issued)
    Activity Requiring a Special Event Permit

    Not all events in the City of Poulsbo require a Special Event Permit.  However, when events require coordinated City services and/or have a substantial impact on a park, public or private place, they events are considered a Special Events require considerable advance planning by more than one City department in order to adequately protect public safety and property and to reduce adverse impacts on the public place and upon neighbors and other users of our public places.

    Below are some common scenarios (but not limited to) when a Special Event Permit is required, arranged by event location:

    • Poulsbo Street, Sidewalk, Alleyway, Public Parking, or other Right-of-Way: YES!
    • City Park or other City-Owned Facility: YES!
    • At Private Property if ALL of these apply: YES
      • Event attendance exceeds maximum occupancy at any given time AND
      • Any of these apply:
        • Event will have a substantial impact on the park or surrounding neighborhood OR
        • Event will have off-hours (10:00pm-9:00am weekends, 10:00pm-7:00am weekdays) outdoor amplified sound OR
        • Event will require the provision of substantial public services
    • If ANY of these apply: YES
      • You are selling alcohol (at a beer garden, bar, etc.) OR
      • You need Police services for safety/security or for traffic control OR
      • Event includes public street/sidewalk use OR
      • Event will have a substantial impact on the park or surrounding neighborhood OR
      • Event will have off-hours (10:00pm-9:00am weekends, 10:00pm-7:00am weekdays outdoor amplified sound OR
      • Event will require the provision of substantial public services

    Contact the Special Events Coordinator with any questions: | Phone Direct: 360.394.9771 | Phone Office: 360.779.9898

    Contacts for Road Closures and Police Assistance

    If your event involves needing road closures, signs, extra garbage, or park cleaning you will need to reach out to the City of Poulsbo Public Works Team prior to submitting the special event packet paperwork:

    Special Event activity may require Poulsbo Police Officers for public safety and or/or traffic control. Police officer staffing, locations, and times are determined by the Poulsbo Police Department based on the time, place, and manner of the event. If you select yes to any questions requesting police safety/security, the Poulsbo Police Department will contact you to make arrangements for off-duty officers. A separate fee will be billed to the Applicant/Organizer for off-duty officer services. If more than 3 officers are needed at an event, a sergeant will also be required. (Police services are billed at a minimum of 3 hours).


    How do I get special event insurance?

    Each special event requires separate certificates. You will find insurance requirements on Page 2 and examples on Page 11-14 in our Special Event Permit Guide

    To highlight, please use the following address when ensuring the City of Poulsbo is included that you use the following address: City of Poulsbo: 200 SE Moe St, Poulsbo, WA 9837

    To clarify, the City of Poulsbo must be properly added as “Additional Insured” as an endorsement; we will need to receive a minimum of 2 pages of insurance coverage.


    Where can I park for my event?

    Click to view our Downtown Poulsbo Parking Map. Shoudl you choose to use non-public parking, you will need to have the parking lot owners complete and sign the city Non-City Owned Property Agreement

    Don't I just need a Park Use Application?

    The Municipal Parks reservation system is governed by PMC 12.32

    A Park Use Permit should be completed and presented during the Special Event Packet submission.

    If the park’s physical facility is closed and will be used, such as after dusk, a Special Event Permit is required.

    A Special Event is defined as any activity on public property and or public right-of-way; or any event held on private property that would have a direct significant impact on city services (ex: police, streets, etc.) that involves an open invitation to the public or attendance is by private invitation of 100 or more people. 

    I want to rent a park shelter

    Click here to view all Park Rental options: including our Recreation Center, Raab Park picnic shelter, Nelson Park picnic shelter, Austin-Kvelstad Pavilion, and bonfire pit at Muriel Iverson Williams Waterfront Park


    How can I add my special event to the Poulsbo Community Calendar?

    The Poulsbo Community Events Calendar is open to the public to subscribe to a weekly e-mail update. This calendar can be viewed by day, month, and by summary.

    All event postings are moderated by a city-authorized calendar moderator, who shall review and approve all events for conformance to acceptable event standards.

    Should you have an event that is open to the public to attend and lies within the City of Poulsbo, please fill out our calendar event submission form. 

    My event is over, now what?

    It is the vision of the City of Poulsbo to provide growth and support towards economic development, financial stability, parks and recreation, public works, public safety, and customer service and share in our diverse community members’ and visitors’ stories and memories!

    As we always look to improve, we would like to give you an anonymous opportunity to share your feedback and thoughts so we can hope to have you continue to plan this and other events like this in the future with our Poulsbo Post-Special Event Questionnaire

    Submit online here or Print out and E-mail this completed form to 

    How can I Market my Event in Poulsbo?

    Here are some FREE City Resources that have been created to help you get better involved in Poulsbo and how to navigate as an event organizer within our community:


    Check out our list of Annual Special Events

    We see over 40 special events hosted annually in Poulsbo! Click to see a list of Special Events that are permitted and annually head in the City of Poulsbo

    Utilize our Community Events Calendar to see what is happening: City of Poulsbo Community Events Calendar.

    Interested in submitting an event? Please go to our Calendar Posting Policy & Event Submission.

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