Engineering > Capital Projects
For more information or questions on projects not listed here, please contact the Engineering Department at 360-394-9882 or send inquires to
The Johnson Parkway roadway linking SR305 to Noll Road officially opened to the public with a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 17, 2023. The project includes:
- A new roundabout on SR305, located at the south City limits of Poulsbo;
- New and improved roadway that connects to Noll Road, shared use path, and sidewalks;
- Non-motorized tunnel crossing under SR305, connecting Lemolo Shore to the east side of the City for bikes, pedestrians, and occasional wildlife;
- A newly constructed shared use path which is a small segment of the future Sound to Olympics Trail and the nationwide Great American Rail-Trail;
- Removal of one fish barrier on Bjorgen Creek and culverts for two tributary streams;
- Construction, restoration, enhancement, and maintenance of 2.5 acres of wetlands with 10 acres of natural wetlands and stream buffer adjoining the roadway; and
- More than 7,500 trees (seedlings) that were planted as part of this project.
The Johnson Parkway project is the biggest transportation project the City has undertaken. Construction started in January 2021 and was completed in June 2023. For more information on the details of this project, please visit the project page here.
This sewer project will extend gravity sewer from the Poulsbo Meadows development up Noll Road to the Kevos Pond/Alasund Meadows development. This will allow the City to divert sewer flows to the gravity system and take one of the smaller sewer lift stations offline. This greatly improves system resilience and redundancy as the Alasund Pump Station requires substantial maintenance and attention from Public Works.
The City designed and advertised the project earlier this year, and Rodarte Construction was the lowest responsive contractor with a bid of $823,666.22. Rodarte plans to start construction October 2, and anticipates construction wrapping up before Thanksgiving. Citizens can expect traffic delays for the duration of this project as the road will be flagged with one-lane two-way alternating traffic during the day. Following the sewer installation, one lane of the road will be repaved.
For questions, please contact the Engineering Department at 360-394-9882.
This project will replace the generator at the Marine Science Center (MSC) Sewer Lift Station. The MSC lift station provides sewer for all of downtown Poulsbo and is critical to pump sewer up to the Central Interceptor. The current lift station does not have a functional generator and when the power goes out, Public Works has limited time to respond and bring a backup pump or generator on site.
As part of this project, a standby generator will be installed with an automatic transfer switch. When the power goes out, the generator will automatically turn on and continue sewer operations without interruption to service. This increases system resiliency and reduces the risk of potential sewer overflows into Liberty Bay during inclement weather.
Henden Electric was the lower bidder on this project with a bid of $128,963.07. No disruptions to the public are anticipated as part of this project.
For questions, please contact the Engineering Department at 360-394-9882.
This corridor improvement will connect SR305 to NE Lincoln Road via Noll Road, Languanet Lane, and Maranatha Road. The improvements will include street lighting, sidewalks, and shared use path improvements throughout the corridor. The broader Noll Road Corridor Improvements project is being broken into a compilation of smaller projects. The City applied for funding in March 2020 for completion of the north segment, Languanet Lane. The south segment project realigns Noll Road from ¼ mile south of Poulsbo Elementary School to SR305 (via the new Johnson Parkway roadway). It also includes a new roundabout at the intersection of SR305 and Johnson Road, which was completed in summer 2023.
The Third Avenue Improvements Project upgrades a downtown City street that currently has no pedestrian facilities or formalized public parking. Pedestrians and bikes must share the existing unstriped street with traveling vehicles, freight deliveries, and parking, which creates safety concerns for all users. The project will mitigate these safety issues by constructing a new roadway surface, a new sidewalk, new curbs and gutter, bike lanes, and parking zones, in addition to storm drain improvements.
The project will provide multiple local benefits including:
- Reconstruction of a highly deteriorated street in the City’s downtown urban core that has no pedestrian facilities, including integrating raised sidewalks or other pedestrian-safety projects at intersections and mid-block locations.
- Construction of new pedestrian and bike facilities where none currently exist and connect those non-motorized facilities to existing sidewalks and bike lanes on each end of the project.
- Improvement of vehicle and pedestrian safety and street operations by designing more functional parking, which is currently not paved in many locations or formally striped.
- Providing roadway improvements consisting of a new paved street that can support transportation needs associated with new development and increased pedestrian activity in the downtown Poulsbo business core.
- Installation of curb and gutter to collect and treat stormwater. Existing stormwater collection and conveyance is inadequate if there is no stormwater treatment prior to discharge to Liberty Bay.
- Providing improved capacity for the downtown street system network, which will reduce congestion and delays on adjacent Front Street.
Design for the project is currently underway. An open house was held at City Hall on Monday, December 18, 2023, to update property owners and stakeholders on the status and proposed schedule for the project.
South Fork Dogfish Creek: The City is working with the Department of Ecology on a design grant which will provide stormwater quality treatment retrofit projects to the South Fork Dogfish Creek project. As part of the design effort, 7 treatment facility and retrofit sites were designed which will treat about 28 acres of impervious pollutant generating surface to meet enhanced water quality standards prior to being discharged into South Fork Dogfish Creek. This is an important project to continue efforts to improve water quality in Poulsbo and Liberty Bay. The design efforts funded by the grant will be used to pursuing construction funding in the future.
West Poulsbo Stormwater Retrofit: The City was successful in acquiring Ecology Grant Funding to build the West Poulsbo Storm Retrofit Project, which is located on a portion of Nelson Park. Currently, the City is working with Ecology on the grant agreement in order to receive $1,062,500 in grants for construction. The City’s match to the grant is $187,500, which is coming from the stormwater utility fund.
The project will retrofit the existing swales in Nelson Park to two bioretention cells and one bioscope facility, which is able to treat stormwater from the 74-acre basin to enhanced water quality standards. This will provide a significant improvement to the water quality in Liberty Bay and will also provide aesthetic improvements in Nelson park.
We anticipate advertising the project in spring 2024 with construction beginning in summer 2024.
Construction on this project wrapped up in July 2023, and has been completed under budget. This important project upgraded and replaced two PRVs (or pressure reducing vaults) within our water system. PRVs are critical in balancing and reducing water pressures throughout the City-wide system and for providing sufficient fire flow and meeting peak demand during the summer months. The Mesford PRV (near NK High School) was originally constructed in 1974 and the Swanson PRV (near the end of Swanson Way) was originally constructed in the 1950s. The new PRVs provide increased system resiliency and redundancy.
The City of Poulsbo received federal funding to improve pedestrian safety and provide traffic calming at six locations. These improvements were identified in the 2018 Safety Plan. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) provided funding in the amount of $642,438.00. Construction began in July 2022 and was completed in January 2023. The six locations with details are listed below.
- Viking & Edvard Intersection- striping modifications for turning movements
- Lindvig & Fish Park Entrance- removing crossing across Lindvig and reconstructing new driveway entrance to Fish Park
- Caldart & Hostmark- reconstructing curb ramps and realigning crosswalks
- Caldart & Mesford- removing old crosswalk that is closed
- Front Street @ King Olaf Parking Lot- constructing raised crosswalk
- Noll & Sunnymeade (Mountain Aire)- removing mid-block crosswalk
This project added a manganese treatment facility to the Westside Well. Manganese is a naturally occurring element common in wells around the Puget Sound. While it does not pose a health concern, it does have negative aesthetic qualities. The new treatment facility removes manganese from the water supply at the source. Construction is complete on this project and the treatment portion of the facility is fully operational.
The Finn Hill Road Shared Use Path project constructed approximately 4,300 feet of ten-foot wide shared use path with two-foot gravel shoulders on NW Finn Hill Road and Rhododendron Lane NW between Olhava Way NW and Vinland Elementary School in Poulsbo. The path is pervious asphalt and is on the north side of NW Finn Hill Road and the east side of Rhododendron Lane NW. An approximate 400-foot section of path was constructed as an elevated 8-foot wide boardwalk to avoid wetland impacts. Curb ramps, pedestrian crossing signs, and crosswalk markings were installed at the intersections of NW Finn Hill/Urdahl Road and NW Finn Hill Road/NW Rude Road. Approximately 4,200 feet of new curb and gutter on the north side of NW Finn Hill Road and the east side of Rhododendron Lane NW were installed between the travel lane and the landscape buffer/boardwalk/multi-use path. Streetlights were mounted on existing utility poles at pedestrian crossing locations. This project was completed in July 2021.