Engineering > SR305/Johnson Parkway-South Segment Noll Road Construction Project
Project Updates:
- SR305/Johnson Parkway Roundabout is complete and officially opened to the public.
- The dedication ceremony and ribbon-cutting took place on June 17, 2023, with Mayor Erickson, Suquamish Tribe Chairman Leonard Forsman, the project team, and local artists on hand.
- Artwork was installed in the center of the roundabout and on the retaining wall, as well as a new sign installed at the south end of the roundabout with “Welcome” in three languages. See below for more information about the artwork and local artists.
- Landscaping at the roundabout is complete, including the planting of over 7,500 seedling trees.
- Construction on the non-motorized tunnel under SR305 was completed, providing access for bikes, pedestrians, and wildlife to safely navigate the highway, while connecting Lemolo Shore to the east side of the City.
- The new roadway that connects to Noll Road is completed, along with a shared-use path and sidewalks.
- A fish barrier was removed at Bjorgen Creek to allow access to culverts for two tributary streams.
- Five acres of wetlands were restored and enhanced, with 10 acres of natural wetlands and stream buffer adjoining the roadway.

Dedication and Ribbon-Cutting
On June 17, 2023, the completed Johnson Parkway roundabout and non-pedestrian tunnel opened to the public with a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony. Mayor Becky Erickson of the City of Poulsbo, and Leonard Forsman, the Chairman of the Suquamish Tribe, welcomed more than 100 people who attended the event. Guests were welcomed to walk, bike, and explore the new shared-use path, tunnel, Johnson Parkway improvements, and the Bjorgen Creek and Fish Passage. The newly installed artwork was unveiled and the local artists were introduced.

Project Artwork
SR305 Roundabout Welcome Sign
There is a new welcome sign at the Johnson Parkway/SR305 roundabout as you approach the Poulsbo southern city limits. The sign is complete with “Welcome” in three languages, English, Spanish, and Tagalog. In the Lushootseed language is the phrase ʔuləc’il čəx ʔal tə čučulac which translates to “You have arrived in Maple Grove,” the traditional name given to Poulsbo by the Suquamish Tribe.

SR305 Roundabout Centerpiece Artwork
The roundabout centerpiece artwork is entitled “Peaceful Waters” by Elijah Burnett, a local blacksmith and artist. The design was framed in a spherical shape, which evokes looking through a porthole at the beautiful nature surrounding Poulsbo, with two indigenous people holding their paddles up in a gesture of peace, while a heron makes a home from the maple branches and leaves. The artwork represents balance between the environment, the Suquamish people, Liberty Bay, and peace. (Photos courtesy of Elijah Burnett).

SR305 Roundabout Retaining Wall Art
Suquamish Tribe artist Kate Ahvakana designed the artwork featured on the retaining wall, entitled “Traveling,” which combines elements of traveling, recognition, signs of peace and connection with a canoe, water, salmon, and a weaving design. Traveling represents the principle that all people must be responsible for how we treat the water, and those who depend on it for life, while the salmon represent growth and transitions.

Lisa Stirrett’s design, “In the Midst” is etched on the retaining wall along the perimeter of the roundabout, and depicts the Brothers mountain range and scroll work reflecting the Nordic heritage of Poulsbo.

Project Highlights
SR 305 & Johnson Road Intersection: A roundabout at the intersection of Johnson Road and SR305 was built to improve traffic mobility and to provide safer access to SR305. Also included was the completion of a non-motorized tunnel crossing to provide the only separated pedestrian and bicycle crossing of SR305. This tunnel allows a connection between two significant non-motorized routes that provide over 7 miles of safe, comfortable, ADA accessible and anxiety-free bicycling, walking, and running opportunities. Upgraded transit stops near the roundabout and Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s) also provide safer transit access.
South Segment Noll Road: A newly constructed road (Johnson Parkway) connects South Noll Road traffic to the new roundabout. The newly built Johnson Parkway provides a safe connection between east and west for schools, neighborhoods, and regional non-motorized networks.
Non-motorized Accessibility: A 14-foot wide shared use path was built alongside the newly built Johnson Parkway, extending from Lemolo Shore Drive to the intersection of Noll Road. This new shared use path provides a safe connection to existing schools, Lemolo Shore Drive, and future regional Sound to Olympics trail. Many citizens choose to live close to Poulsbo because of less expensive and more accessible housing that is also close to commercial and recreation amenities. This shared use path was designed to provide improved connectivity for housing located in the area near the North Kitsap School District campus. It also helps improve mobility options by providing a safe, all weather, illuminated bike and pedestrian path that connects to transit and other local centers.
Bjorgen Creek: Replacement of the final fish barrier on Bjorgen Creek with a 14-foot wide fish friendly box culvert was designed to improve fish passage for a variety of salmon species in North Kitsap County. Bjorgen Creek is a perennial stream in Water Resources Inventory Area 15 East that feeds into NE-Si-Ka Bay near the mouth of Liberty Bay. The creek drainage supports steelhead, chum, and Coho salmon, as well as cutthroat trout. The long-term benefits of replacing the existing culvert were restoration of fish passage and natural stream channel processes. Removing fish-passage blockages helps restore the connectivity of Bjorgen Creek within its watershed. This allows fish access to areas critical for fulfilling their life history requirements, especially foraging, spawning, and rearing. Approximately 2,500 feet of stream habitat are available upstream now that the fish-passage blockage has been replaced.
Public Art & Landscaping: New roadside landscaping and public art welcomes residents and visitors to the City of Poulsbo.
Project Benefits:
- Improved mobility and safety at two intersections with a history of injury accidents
- Connected local and regional non-motorized networks
- Improved access to housing and reduced accidents and congestion
- Enhanced local and regional non-motorized systems that provide healthy transportation options
Why a Roundabout?
A roundabout at this intersection offers the greatest safety benefit by reducing the potential for severe collisions, while improving connectivity and economic development opportunities along the corridor.
Studies have shown that roundabouts are safer than traditional stop sign or signal-controlled intersections. The Federal Highway Administration determined that roundabouts increase traffic capacity by 30 percent to 50 percent compared to traditional intersections.

Graphic courtesy of Kitsap County Public Works Traffic Safety Division
Johnson Parkway Roundabout Construction Photos
Please click here to view previous project photos.
SR305 & Johnson Parkway Stream #1 work completion

Grant Funding Sources
- $3.4 million in federal transportation funding has been recommended by the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council
- $2.2 million Surface Transportation Program (STP) grant for design and right of way acquisition
- $1.35 million grant for the construction of the tunnel
- $1.5 million Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant for construction
- $6.4 million Connecting Washington grant for the construction of the roundabout
Community Engagement
This project is the result of extensive public involvement including:
- 1992 Noll Corridor Transportation Study Final Report (Bell-Walker)
- 2006-2009 Noll Corridor Study –Executive Summary
- 2016-2018 SR305 Needs and Opportunities Study-download here
- 2019 Right of Way Certification completion
City of Poulsbo Engineering Department
WSDOT Road Construction