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2024 Comprehensive Plan Update

The City of Poulsbo is undertaking a periodic review and update of its comprehensive plan, as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA),  RCW 36.70A.130(5) .  The GMA sets forth that Kitsap County and its cities should review and revise, if needed, their comprehensive plans to ensure the plan complies with GMA requirements. The GMA requires state and local governments to manage Washington’s growth by identifying and protecting critical areas and natural resource lands, designating urban growth areas, preparing comprehensive plans, and implementing them through capital investments and development regulations. This approach to growth management is unique among states. Rather than centralize planning and decision-making at the state level, the GMA is built on Washington’s strong traditions of local government control and regional diversity. The GMA establishes state goals, sets deadlines, and offers direction on how to prepare local comprehensive plans, and sets forth requirements for early and continuous public participation.

Accommodating and Planning for Growth

The periodic update must plan to accommodate a portion of the overall growth (population, employment, and housing) that is forecast for the Central Puget Sound region (i.e. Kitsap, Pierce, King, and Snohomish Counties). Growth allocations are determined through a regional process coordinated through the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) and the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC). The City actively participates in both coordination organizations. Within the context of this regional allocation process, local jurisdictions adopt 2044 growth targets that will be used as the basis for their periodic updates.

Poulsbo is required to plan for the following 2044 targets:

  • Population: 5,646 new residents
  • Employment: 4,000 new jobs
  • Housing: 1,977 new housing units

Engagement Opportunities: 

  • July 30: Pop-Up at Summer Nights at the Bay
  • August 3: Pop-Up at Poulsbo Farmers Market
  • August 6: Pop-Up at National Night Out/Summer Nights at the Bay
  • August 7: City Council Workshop – Review of Transportation Chapter
  • Aug 14: City Council Workshop – Review of Participation, Evaluation, and Implementation Chapter

Planning for Housing

Housing for people is the foundation of any community. Most people identify strongly with the community in which they live. Cities that grow in number of people and jobs are the most vibrant—and the most in need of housing. To serve a variety of household sizes, ages, incomes, and preferences, a variety of housing choices are critical.

Poulsbo is a city with many assets that make it a desirable community of over 12,000 residents. While the city has benefited in years past from relatively lower costs compared to King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties, rapid population growth coupled with a lack of housing supply has resulted in an increased demand for housing and rising costs. The limited supply of certain housing types and resulting cost pressure is contributing to a displacement of long-term Poulsbo residents, while also presenting a barrier for middle to low-income households to find housing.

Local governments mainly do not provide housing directly. Typically, private developers produce most housing units in a jurisdiction. Local governments set the conditions in place to encourage the market to develop housing affordable to all members of the community. Housing planning and policymaking are integral functions of cities, and essential for supporting inclusive, diverse, and economically vibrant communities. Reviewing, evaluating, and updating housing plans, policies, and associated development regulations can help jurisdictions meet evolving community needs for housing variety and affordability, as well as achieve other planning goals for land use, economic development, transportation, and the environment.

Check out the Planning for Housing Summary Document here (amended May 2024).

Project Documents

Introduction Chapter Update

City Council Review

CC Reviewed Introduction Chapter – Strikethrough/Underline Version and Clean Copy Version – April 2024

Planning Commission Review

PC Recommended Amendments to Introduction Chapter – June  2023

For information on how to attend Planning Commission meetings go here.

Community Character Chapter Update

City Council Review

CC Reviewed Community Character Chapter – Strikethrough/Underline Version and Clean Copy Version – April 2024

Planning Commission Review

June 28, 2022 Planning Commission:

July 12, 2022 Planning Commission:

May 9, 2023 Planning Commission Workshop

June 13, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting

PC Recommended Amendments to Community Character Chapter – June  2023

Transportation Chapter Update

City Council Review

CC Reviewed Transportation Chapter – Strikethrough/Underline Version and Clean Copy Version – August 2024 (coming soon)

For information on how to attend City Council meetings go here.

Planning Commission Review

October 24, 2023

November 14, 2023

May 28, 2024

PC Recommended Amendments to Transportation Full Chapter – May 2024

Natural Environment Chapter Update

City Council Review

CC Reviewed Natural Environment Chapter – Strikethrough/Underline Version and Clean Copy Version – July 2024 (coming soon)

Planning Commission Review

July 26, 2022 Planning Commission:

PC Recommended Amendments to Natural Environment Goals and Policies – July 2022

September 26, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting

PC Recommended Amendments to Natural Environment Full Chapter – October 2023

January 23, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting

PC Recommended Amendments to Natural Environment Full Chapter – January 2024

Capital Facilities Chapter Update

Housing Chapter Update

Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Chapter Update

Economic Development Chapter Update

City Council Review

CC Reviewed Economic Development Chapter – Strikethrough/Underline Version and Clean Copy Version– July 2024 

For information on how to attend City Council meetings go here.

Planning Commission Review

PC Recommended Amendments to the Economic Development Goals and Policies- January 2023

PC Recommended Economic Development Full Chapter – June 2023

Health and Human Services Chapter - NEW

Participation and Implementation Chapter Update

City Council Review

CC Reviewed PEI Chapter – Strikethrough/Underline Version and Clean Copy Version – August 2024 (coming soon)

For information on how to attend City Council meetings go here.

Planning Commission Review

PC Recommended Amendments to Participation and Implementation Chapter – June  2023

February 28, 2023 Planning Commission:

May 9, 2023 Planning Commission Workshop

June 13, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting


Joint City Council and Planning Commission SR 305 Meeting - May 23, 2023


Joint City Council and Planning Commission Kick-Off - Feb 23, 2022

Joint City Council and Planning Commission Growth Target Meetings - March 22, 2022

Joint City Council and Planning Commission Growth Strategy Meeting - September 27, 2022

Community Participation

If would like to be notified of future public participation opportunities by email, we welcome you to sign up here.

Helpful Links