PARKS & RECREATION > Current Projects
Rotary Morrow Community Park
Phase 1 of the park project will begin this fall, and will include grading trails, tree removal or limbing and clearing. Many old growth trees and underbrush will be left so that it continues to be a densely occupied park. Future phases will include play equipment, picnic area and more trails.
If you have questions, please contact Jeff Ozimek, Poulsbo Parks and Recreation Director:, 360.394.9774.
Play for All at Raab Park
Play for All at Raab Park is a community effort to build a fully inclusive playground in North Kitsap County.
Imagine the pain felt by a disabled child or adult who sees other children enjoying a playground full of equipment they can’t use. Or a parent or grandparent who can’t play with family members because of their own special needs. Children and adults with disabilities often face limitations—but that shouldn’t happen at a playground.
Since 2018, a citizen group has been working to build a fully inclusive and ADA-compliant playground in North Kitsap. The group forged early partnerships with the City of Poulsbo’s Parks & Recreation Department and the Poulsbo Rotary Club, which took it on as a club project.
In December, the long-awaited Play for All at Raab Park playground project kicked off final design and planning after grant acceptance and consultant processing received the green light.
For more information, please contact Jeff Ozimek, Poulsbo Parks and Recreation Director:, 360.394.9774.
The project also has a community Facebook page at
Poulsbo’s Fish Park Development
Poulsbo’s Fish Park is a nature park in an urban setting. This project began in 2002 with the purchase of 13 acres. The ongoing development has been successful using city dollars, state and federal grants, property donations, various service clubs, and extensive volunteer support. The Poulsbo Fish Park citizen steering committee continue to plan and fund raise for future park development. Opportunities on this 40-acre nature park include public access trails and boardwalk, interpretive areas, and wildlife viewing along the estuary. Click here to see the original 2004 master plan for Phase 1.
In late October and throughout November of 2022, Poulsbo’s Fish Park received much-needed refreshment via the coordinated efforts of the Poulsbo’s Fish Park Steering Committee, WSU Master Gardeners, and WWU, who welcomed a team of eight AmeriCorps NCCC volunteers to the park. The volunteers tackled projects including invasive species removal, native planting, and live tree staking as well as the completion of a set of stairs, an art installation, and split rail fencing repair. The AmeriCorps NCCC team members were from all over the country and enthusiastically brought their talents and energy to learn new skills to our community’s benefit. The WWU Ecology Restoration Class also planted close to 400 trees and shrubs with a focus on plant propagation revegetation.
November also saw the return of Salmon Tours to Poulsbo’s Fish Park. Over 350 people enjoyed the annual event featuring 12 informational booths, a Story Walk, and of course, salmon!
If you have questions, please contact Jeff Ozimek, Poulsbo Parks and Recreation Director:, 360.394.9774.
Volunteer Opportunities
Please join members of Poulsbo’s Fish Park steering committee each month to do needed park tasks. These stewardship activities add value to our community, both in commitment and matching time for state grants. These events are great for the whole family, and are held the 3rd Sunday of each month (*with some exceptions) from 1:00-4:00 pm at the park. If you would like to be added to the monthly email notification list, please email Volunteers will be kept in small groups. Masks and social distancing are required.