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Planning & Economic Development > Comprehensive Plan

Poulsbo Comprehensive Plan

Poulsbo’s Comprehensive Plan is a policy and legal document that reflects the community’s desires, goals and needs for the future, within the context of the requirements of the Growth Management Act. On December 21, 2016, the Poulsbo City Council adopted the 2016 Comprehensive Plan by approving an adopting ordinance and exhibits (see 2016-23).

The Comprehensive Plan can be downloaded and reviewed by selecting from the links below. This document is rather large so it has been broken down into smaller documents for ease of downloading. You will need to download all of the following links to get the document in its entirety. To view these documents, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 9.0 or greater. A hard copy of the adopted plan is available at the Poulsbo Planning Department.

If you have any questions concerning the City of Poulsbo Comprehensive Plan, please contact the Poulsbo Planning Department at (360) 394-9748 or plan&


Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

2016 Comprehensive Plan SEPA Determination