Planning & Building > Shoreline Master Program Update
Inventory Maps
- Ex. A: Aerial Map of City/UGA
- Ex. B: City/UGA Shoreline Jurisdiction
- Ex. C: Shoreline Segments Map
- Ex. D-1: Shoreline Land Use (Overall)
- Ex. E-1: Shoreline Zoning Map (Overall)
- Ex. F: Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas
- Ex. G: Wetlands/Streams
- Ex. H: Geologically Hazardous Areas and Aquifer Recharge Areas
- Ex. I: FEMA Data Map
- Ex. J: City Water Utilities
- Ex. K: City Stormwater Utilities
- Ex. L: City Sewer and Onsite Sewage Disposal Utilities
- Ex. M: Water Outfalls
- Ex. N-1: Shoreline Types (Overall)
- Ex. O: Drift Cells
- Ex. P-1: Nearshore Assessment Unit Map (Overall)
- Ex. Q-1: Public Access Points (Overall)
- Ex. R-1: Building Footprints (Overall)
- Ex. S: Cleanup Opportunities
- Ex. T-1: Water-Dependent/In-Water Structures (Overall)
- Ex. U: Overhanging Structures by Type
- Ex. V: Bulkheads and Other Armoring
- Ex. W: Land Uses Nonconforming to Zoning
- Ex. X: Underutilized and Vacant Properties
- Ex. Y: Urban Paths of Poulsbo Conceptual Map (Updated May 2012)
- Ex. Z: Environment Designations (Updated May 2012)